spire city

spire city is the leading city on industrial advancements against the zombie virus and improving cybernetic advancements. Spire city houses 15 million people, expanding the city’s borders slowly year by year in hopes of taking back the wasteland which was once rich land, full of green land and cities long before.

long before, the year 2078, America and its nations slowly separated as enemies, the heat waves only getting hotter, slowly burning the crops out and leaving people inside their houses, tires melting into the road, buildings starting to break out into fires. This put the nations into war, nukes sent out to countries for materials. America and Japan ended up working together with Japan having a relative boost in cyber advancements and wanting to get help from a superpower nation, soon bringing in other countries such as Canada and Mexico to pull what they can of people, beginning project Spire.project spire would bring them all together and stay that way for the next 5 years, quickly building up project spire as the sun beamed down on them, relying mostly on robots to help build up the buildings, as humanity focused on fixing their sun problem but only ending up with a temporary fix, digging deep into the ground for labs, slowly reversing the green house effects and global warming, using the cybernetic technology discovered while making project spire.

The Wasteland was made through war, nukes, and death, plus the sun practically burning through the dirt. Most of the people who live in the wasteland live in makeshift towns and cities surrounded by walls to keep the creatures out the best they can. People in the wasteland are from those who couldn’t get a place in project spire before the doors were closed, only being let in through a series of long tests that can take months just to make sure they’re not infected, which most don’t want to go through.The Wasteland is home to tons of nasty creatures, one of the most common ones being the zombies traveling in packs, small hordes that move slowly and seem easy to kill but when in packs, are hard to kill.
The zombies originated with the mixture of nukes with the heat causing zombies to not only exist but also be immune to the heat and radiation.

Spire City

the place of dreams turned a reality, slowly fixing our Ozone and expanding our horizons to help you and humanity live the days beyond!

Spire labs

Spire labs, the labs underground Spire city where the top scientist, researchers, and all the like study and learn to help us fix the Ozone and bring nature back to the land, figuring out ways to fix all the wrong.

Feel you could help? Contact us as 998-Spire

Spire Academy

Spire academy features a learning experience unique to each student.
No matter what you have enrolled for, it has it, every little job helps keep the spire running and helps us get closer and closer to fixing our Earth!

Enroll now at www.SpireAcademy.com